Online Private School

Online Private School education as an alternative to the traditional way of teaching our kids was something we never really thought about until COVID hit. Now kids are told you have to learn from home and parents; you have to adapt for the safety of your child. Traditional schools were empty for a long time while the medical community had to do battle with the virus. As was expected, we overcame the Vitus, and everything is back to normal. But it isn’t for lots of people all over the globe.

Everything we know about school has changed. Are my kids safe in a traditional school? From the next virus? From Violence? And/or are they learning what they should, or could I do a better job from home? How about another way for my child to learn? These are all very legitimate questions that we hope to help you answer in our following article.

Homeschooling has become even more popular in the last 5–10 years. With everyone being forced into it, we really got a glimpse of what it would be like. A lot of us are starting to ask, How is my child coping in school with all the crazy stuff happening around the country? These are all very legitimate issues to be concerned about.

Tailor Make The Homeschooling Experience, Online Private School

It makes sense that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many parents to question the conventional educational model and look into other choices, such as private education that is provided online. It is natural to be concerned about children’s safety in traditional classrooms from viruses, and other possible threats, as well as the quality of learning in a number of scenarios.

  1. Safety:
    • Health and Viruses: Since students may learn from the comfort of their homes during health problems, online education can offer a safer atmosphere.
    • Physical Safety: Online education largely removes the concerns of bullying and violence, which are often present in traditional schools.
  2. Quality of Education:
    • Curriculum: Online private schools frequently offer demanding, well-organized courses, occasionally paired with extra support and one-on-one instruction.
    • Teacher Quality: We can pay our teachers what they are worth since we are a private institution, which gives us the freedom to choose who we work with.
  3. Flexibility:
    • Learning Environment: More flexibility in the classroom is made possible by online learning, which may be customized to each student’s demands and pace.
    • Scheduling: With online learning, families can accommodate different methods of learning and family routines by having more control over schedules and the teachers.
  4. Social Interaction:
    • Peer Interaction: It’s true that traditional schools provide greater chances for in-person peer connection and socialization. However, their aim is to learn, not to be social.
    • Extracurricular Activities: If you ask, you can still participate in the many extracurricular activities that traditional schools usually provide.
  5. Parental Involvement:
    • Online Education: In an online environment, parents have a more hands-on involvement in their child’s education, which can benefit certain families.
    • Traditional Schools: Even while it might take multiple shapes, including parent-teacher conferences and volunteer work, parental engagement is still very important.

Let’s talk about all the ways it is more security-conscious for your student. Homeschooling gives parents a way to keep track of their children and keep them out of harm’s way. It could be bullying, peer pressure, or any other type of uncalled-for pressure. This can be especially important for a child who has specialized needs. The one I hate to bring up, but it has to, is the violence from weapons. Whether brought in by another student or by an adult, these are always in the back of our minds when school problems arise.

Online Private School, Online Private School Gives Back Your Freedom

Homeschooling is a wonderful choice now for parents to have options for their child’s education. It gives them the freedom to have some input into their kids subjects and how fast they can pick up the information. This will allow the student to develop and prepare them for a variety of fields they can choose from. All we want from our educators is to be able to use what they themselves have learned. And use those examples for their students in their teaching of our futures.

There is one thing you have to consider when deciding whether or not you are going to homeschool. The very real fact is that it will bind your family into a much tighter-knit group. You are going to learn right along with your kids. It will be exciting to see them question why and then have a conversation about it with you. No one can take that kind of time away from you.

When you think about it, homeschooling may not be the first choice for each family. However, it will for a lot of others. It is always nice to have the option when we are talking about our kids. We offer a safer environment for you, the parents, to take a more active role and have a say in the classes that will be taught. This is not to teach the student to take a standardized test, but to teach him about where we were and where we are going in the future. To encourage them to ask questions.

One of the biggest benefits of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers. You can create an individualized learning plan that meets your child’s needs and interests. This means you can focus on subjects that your student is excited about or that they need extra help with. You can also adjust the pace of learning to match your child’s learning style and abilities.

Online private schools offer a flexible and individualized learning experience that can be invaluable for students and families who are looking for an alternative to traditional schools. With online private schools, students can work at their own pace and on their own schedule, allowing for a greater experience.

Students can learn from the comfort and convenience of their own homes, without the distractions and pressures that can come with a brick-and-mortar school. Online private schools also offer parents the peace of mind of knowing where and with whom their kids are at all times. For families who are concerned about the safety and well-being of their children, this is a real comfort.

Because online private schools offer such a wide range of courses that are tailor-made to fit into a student’s curriculum. Families that have a child who is not doing as well can exercise a little control over how their child is taught, enabling them to get back to enjoying school again. It is in this way that online private schools have brought about real change in an industry that teaches students one way. Know that everything is based on the student, not the school.

One of the main reasons our families choose us is our ability to have control over the curriculum. You get choices from a wide range of teachers and courses to match the abilities of the child’s learning style or his beliefs. Whether they are quick learners and have to move at a quicker pace. If they have special needs and have to go at a slower pace, that’s easily adjustable. Again, it is the parents with control over how the curriculum is taught that is truly unique.

In addition, online private schools offer a wide range of courses and programs that can be tailored to meet the individual needs of each child. This can include advanced courses, specialized programs in areas like the arts or STEM, and individual support and guidance from the teachers.

Online Private School Gives Back Your Freedom, Selective Courses To Empower The Learning Experience

Again, it is homeschooling; parents have the ability to choose the curriculum that they believe will suit their child’s learning style and interests. This will include a wide range of subjects, such as science, math, language arts, and social studies, as well as elective courses in areas like music, art, or foreign languages. Parents can also choose the specific textbooks and materials that they want their child to use and adjust the pace of learning to match their child’s abilities.

Homeschooling gives the parents much greater control over what the student learns throughout the year. This gives them a baseline on how there students are reacting to the curriculum, and they can adjust it accordingly. By changing it to how their student reacts to it, they gain a greater understanding of what else they may need. This will allow the child to get a lot more out of school and give them a greater education to be prepared for real life.

Homeschooling can really have a positive aspect for the family that traditional school’s lack. That is the bonding that every family will naturally go through when the student is right there. You can set up a time for them to do other things around the house. Then have a set time for them to be back at the table. When the parents are home, they are spending time with their kids and taking a more active role in what the kids are doing. It’s no longer your time at school and my time at work, but instead it is one of ours.

As this is an online private school, there is a fee to attend. But compared to other private schools, the price is very low and reasonable. Also, as a classified private school, your state may issue grants or other funding for an alternative private school education.

To get access to the curriculum, the cost is $99 a month per family. This enables you to get access to the information available for you to do your own homeschool program. If you would like your child to attend the actual online classes with a certified instructor, there is an additional cost.

This cost allows you access to Zoom instructions with the teacher of your choice on the subject that you need. Also, if you miss a class, you will get access to the video recording of that class. Below, you will find the cost for each grade. Of course, our kindergarten class will be free on Zoom with just the initial $99 monthly fee.

BrainFood, Online Private School program, Online Private School
  • 1st Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 2nd Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 3rd Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 4th Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 5th Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 6th Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 7th Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 8th Grade: $109 Monthly
  • 9th Grade: $129 Monthly
  • 10th Grade: $129 Monthly
  • 11th Grade: $129 Monthly
  • 12th Grade: $129 Monthly

Online Private School is the New Way to Educate:

In conclusion, online private schools offers a clear and unique alternative to traditional brick and mortar schools. That provides a number of benefits for students and their families. Homeschooling in an online private school environment creates a safe and caring environment. While providing a tough academic standards of excellence that is required. As such, it is clear that online private school is the new way to educate. And families should consider it as a real option for their child’s academic future.

With that being said, we are looking for teachers who believe that they have what it takes to be Online Teachers and Instructors for our ever changing field. The pay is quite good, and you have to commute to the room of your choice.

Online Teachers Needed – August 2023

Education & Career Development

Homeschool Alterative Education

Brainfood is the Solution


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