Homeschooling – Alternative Education

Homeschooling – Alternative Education, is rapidly taking over as the standard. Nonetheless, a lot of people still prefer in-person traditional schooling. Families are increasingly wishing to use their right to select the classes their children attend. Their children are now being taught not only what they should have been taught, but also how and why. Many parents were confronted with a reality check by COVID-19. In addition, a lot of parents are opting to go in a different direction. Homeschooling: Alternative Learning with Instructors Online

I Benefited from Alternative Education:

As a child, I was diagnosed as a hyperactive child (ADHD). So they just called me a hyperactive child when I was in kindergarten. So I went to a phycologist, and after seeing me, he decided to put me on this new drug called Ritalin. I was on my second day of taking it, and my mom asked me how school was today. I promptly broke into a stream of tears, looked up at her, and told her that it was horrible. The doctor took me off of them and told my mother that 3% of the country was allergic to Ritalin and to take me off them immediately. That was my first indication that this might be a common occurrence when I get side effects from drugs. Because if there’s a side effect, I am most likely going to get it.

So, my first grade teacher was awesome, Miss Wolf. She helped me all the way through first grade, but they did something weird that year. That year, the teachers implemented a new curriculum that taught us that the colors of the alphabet corresponded to the letters. Needless to say, I fell back a grade because I could not learn this way. My parents were scared to put me back in traditional school. Then something pretty awesome happened: I found a new school, but it was a private school.

Alternative Education Saved Me:

They were a school that worked with kids from all walks of life who had problems with the traditional school system. I thrived here and made up the school work, and actually, I got the grade above me started as well. But my funding went away, and I had to go to another school, but what an experience! Of course, there were no online courses, as the internet had not been invented yet.

Homeschooling, Alternative Education Online: The New Way to Educate

With so much government influence, regulations, and other distractions that go on in our education system, many parents are looking for a change from the traditional school method. Many are looking into the homeschooling system. The problem is that they don’t know where to start. Not many parents are able to give up their work to stay at home and teach their children. There are only a handful with patience, understanding, and support. Not to mention the funds to be able to not work and stay home to teach. As a result, they give up and continue on with the traditional school system. Online Teachers Needed!!!

With the internet and computers in every house. We now have the ability to offer you the chance to homeschool your kids. This is without you quitting your job or becoming a stay home parent. Coming up really soon, you will be able to access your children’s grades online. Board certified teachers have been through the state approval process, are certified, and come from different educational backgrounds. So your child will be able to attend online Zoom classes from the comfort of their own home or room.

How it Works, Homeschooling Online:

I Benefited From Private School:, Homeschooling - Alternative Education

We will be increasing our curriculum and teachers for them, there will be a cost for grades 1 through 12. Then you will have access to the curriculum for any student that lives with you. Based on their classes, they have the option of choosing a Zoom Class and which teacher they would like to have. They will still have a 5-day school. But if a student is doing great in their classes, they don’t have to be held back. They can go at their pace. If they finish early, then they can get ready for the next grade.

If you are like me and travel a lot, you are in the military and get to move around a lot. Because, you’re just plain tired of the same old stuff that your child is receiving from their schooling. Then this may just be the place for you. As we get more into the legalities of each state. Your child will literally be able to take his schoolwork anywhere in the world. Without skipping a beat. Teachers Needed!!!

Homeschooling – Alternative Education:

Looking for a more positive education? Most people don’t understand what this means. Back to the basics: reading, writing, and arithmetic, with the ability to learn financial studies, entrepreneurial enterprise, and awesome skills and crafts.

As a homeschooling parent, you can select the curriculum that best fits your child’s needs. Because of your beliefs, morals, and values, they provide a great learning experience for you and your family. By being in our homeschooling family, you will then be able to teach positive business practices. Business practice will be a bonus towards the students development.

  • We want to give your child the ability to think, learn, and reason for themselves. Because, teaching them how to feel self-worth and how to become their own boss.
  • Run a business as an entrepreneur successfully, and balance a checkbook.
  • Working for themselves is one of the skills that we learn on our own with little to no guidance.
  • How to be ready to go out into the world with confidence in their ability.
  • To be able to know who they are and what they want.

Homeschooling with this system will start your student down a path that leads to an Awesome Educational and Learning Experience.

Teacher’s Worth:

Now, let’s speak to the teachers of this program. Because, Homeschooling has always relied on a parent to teach the student. So, with our program, you come into the system and get paid what you’re worth. With the Zoom Classes holding 500 Students, your Income will be Generated by how many Students you Attract to the Zoom Classes. Online Teachers Needed!!!

Homeschooling - Alternative Education,

With video marketing through YouTube, your teaching style will be accessible online. However, this is the time to show your enthusiasm and give them a glimpse of your teaching style. The program and it’s people will help you with your scheduling. Remember, you can have up to 500 people in a class.

  • Low pay and no respect create an unsafe environment every day. Teaching something that you just don’t believe in. So, this might be the solution and the future you have been looking for.
  • We are currently looking for teachers in all educational fields, from K–12. Because, if you are certified as a teacher, we need you.
  • Retired teachers, come back and do what you do best. Let’s educate the world.
  • It is a standard school week of five days, with traditional holidays off.
  • With this online homeschool program, you can teach from the safety and comfort of your own home.
  • So you can get compensated to do what you love: teach.

Support for Homeschooling – Alternative Education:

Support is key to everything in Homeschooling – Alternative Education. With this program, you will have support anytime that class is in session. This is an online program, and you will most likely have support anytime you are online in your classroom.

When the moms, dads, or grandparents are using the program, they will also have access to the support, just like the student. If you need help understanding what your child is learning, there will be Zoom PTA groups for you to join. So ask questions and listen to what is in store for your child and their grade. No one will be left in the dark. You will have full access to your child and the curriculum. See their progress and ensure they are learning at their optimum level.

If this sounds like something you’ll be interested in, look into it as a parent for your child or children. If you are a teacher and want to be part of the teaching staff, please bookmark this page. Because, this is where updates and the launch schedule will be. As well as both applications for both students and teachers.

Right now, we are looking for Online Teachers who believe they have what it takes to turn education around in this country. Furthermore, there is already a wave of change in the United States, and Online Private Schools are the wave of the future.

Some more articles that should shed some more light:

Online Teachers Needed – August 2023

Education & Career Development

Online Private School

Brainfood is the Solution

Get the Details and Get Started Here


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