The Awesome Power of Positive Affirmations

The Awesome Power of Positive Affirmations can be really fulfilling. However, rewriting your reality into something you’re really excited about can be remarkable too. This is a reflection of how this is true in my life and hopefully gives you some direction as well. Because it is also about your life goals, which are to help you walk down the path of the living.

Awesome Power of Positive Affirmations: Rewriting Your Reality, The Power of Positive Affirmations in My Life:

Ok, that is pretty deep, even from me, but I believe it to be a true statement. Every time I have gotten off track, I knew it but stayed in that negative mindset. It wasn’t until circumstances changed that I was able to get back into the right frame of mind. This is when “The Awesome Power of Positive Affirmations” is truly working in my life. When I reset my life goals and wake up every day with those in mind, they drive me forward. I can be unstoppable, and that is a great feeling, to be sure.

The Power of Positive Affirmations in My Life:

In my life, I have had some very powerful positive affirmations that have taken me to great heights. In the world of what I have accomplished in my different career paths, I have been very successful. This has been a step for me for as long as I can remember. My aunt Ellen, my father’s sister, came to visit us one Christmas. She brought my brother and me a very cool small radio, which easily impressed us. I think I was 10 years old at the time; that would make it around 1977.

Anyway, she told me something I don’t think I’ll ever forget. “Andy, you work so hard; why not charge by the job instead of by the hour?” That changed my thinking at a very young age, so it was the job that made me more money. You see, I usually worked hard and fast, which was instilled in me from an early age to always work for myself.

So have you had that ah-ha moment of truth, or are you still waiting for it? Trust me, when you have it, it will change your life. Mine was about my career, but it can be about your marriage or significant other. Maybe it is about health and fitness, but I think that it should have a little bit of each. It really can be anything that you can think of.

Where Am I At Now?

When negative thoughts creep in and create what I can only describe as disharmony, These thoughts can either be followed up on or suppress the Power of Positive Affirmations, thus making them obsolete. This has happened to me in my relationships with the women I have had in my life. Instead of making them first in my life, I just retreated to my work, letting them just pull away. You see, I have had the secret to this part of life, and I didn’t stop to figure it out till now.

Right now, I’ve had some pretty huge obstacles to overcome in my life. So writing this blog page is part of the healing process. Having this subject chosen for me to write about has made me realize how wrong I’ve been. That self-awareness is the first step toward meaningful change, and the Lord knows I’ve got some work to do. How are you doing in this aspect of your life?

Here are my Power of Positive Affirmations and how I’m going to rewrite my reality for the better:

Here are my Power of Positive Affirmations and how I'm going to Rewrite My Reality for the good: The Awesome Power of Positive Affirmations: Rewriting Your Reality
  • Health and Fitness: I am going to the gym four times to work out and get myself into better shape. I have gone to rehab once a week to work on my post-stroke partial paralysis of the right side of my body. I’m getting stronger by the week. I’m going to take byom for my Gut Health as well as the Biohacking Products to improve my sleep, energy, and weight loss.
  • An Adventure and Healing at RRR247: When I came out of the brain fog there was one thing I just had to do. I found it at RRR247 by learning to make money with the internet at home. Know it takes a while, more if your brain is healing. But when I get Google AdSense, it will all be worth it. It has taken me a year, but I’m just about there. It truly has been like a family that I will never let go of.
  • Dating and a Family Possibly: I’m only 56, so I’ve got another 40 to 50 years, and I’m going to spend them with a wonderful lady. We are going to talk about everything and have a wonderful life together. I going to be a great communicator, and we are going to share everything. The rest of it we will make up as we go along.

The first two I have been working on for some months. However, the third one will have to wait, unless a bolt of lightning hits me, lol. I put the gym first because my Health and Fitness are vital to my well-being. However, my career does come in pretty close second because it has been healing my mind. Which is critical for my cognitive skills, and I’ve only had to rewrite the PBS (blog) three times, ha ha.

The Awesome Power of Positive Affirmations:

If your a person who likes to do a lot of small challenges throughout the day, you can definitely do it that way as well. You just need to do something and write it down where you’ll see it every day. The act of writing it down and looking at it every day makes it real and doable. At least that is what I learned when I was doing this exercise when I was in Real Estate.

I hope that you got something out of this page. I have done a lot of soul-searching to figure out what I have succeeded in and what area’s I have failed in. It was not an easy page to write, but it has been inspiring at the same time.


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